How Twenity can help you use Twitter more efficiently
Even though Twitter is one of the most minimalistic social services available, it's also one of the hardest to understand and master. We all know people who are having problems with it , and to be frank, it took us quite some time to get Twitter too. We are not saying we are social media ninjas now, but we do know a few things and are acquainted with various best practices on Twitter. And we've built some of that into Twenity.
From Twitter rookies to professionals
Heavy Twitter users and social media professionals can use Twenity to see how they're performing and what kind of reactions their actions have triggered. But Twitter rookies and casual users (for whom this post is intended), they are the ones who are usually facing bigger problems and need someone to guide them to through the wonderful world of Twitter. Twenity can help.

Twitter is all about interaction
Twitter is all about interaction, and there are many forms of it. From following someone, replying to them, mentioning or even retweeting them. Each of those actions has its weight on Twenity. A reply has little weight since it's only seen by the people who follow both accounts. Retweets have the most weight, since they are the ones who help spread information. Mentions are somewhere in between.
Twenity loves replies, mentions and retweets you receive and get, so your best chance to get somewhere is to go by the golden rule of tweeting: 33% stories, 33% personal (replies and mentions), 33% retweets. You can use the remaining 1% to talk about Twenity. :)
Twenity score can help
Technically, replying or mentioning people will unlock a few badges, but temporarily lower your score on Twenity, since the calculation works with ratios (followers vs. following, replied vs. replies, etc.). But if you'll get feedback, your score will suddenly become higher. Perhaps you'll even get new followers and meet new interesting people.
The bottom line is that have to do things on Twitter, and Twenity will be there to show you how successful your actions were. You should follow people that share your interests and tweet if you want to get noticed, and don't worry, there's an audience for everybody. Besides, don't get scared of being ignored, these things happen even to the best.
Twenity challenges can help
Challenges on the dashboard that unlock Twenity badges require players to do various things, and they cover pretty much everything you can do on Twitter. By letting them guide you, you will sooner or later get the idea of how things work, and the more of them you'll unlock, the better you'll become. In the end, you will see Twitter is pretty simple to use and amazing things can be achieved with it. All you need to do is to have fun.