1.000 players are playing Twenity
The next big milestone is here. Twenity has reached 1.000 players! A great achievement that blends together perfectly with the newly introduced dashboard. We will take this as a sign we are on the right track, and hopefully we will be adding new players and features as fast as possible in the future.
They say an image says a thousand words, so we won’t brag about it for too long. Stay tuned, stay playful. Twenity loves you.

Impressions from our launch
Twenity was launched on December 21st 2011, as part the last Web Hours (Spletne urice or #wwwh) of the season in Kiberpipa. We have decided on this because #wwwh and Kiberpipa are one of the strongest gathering points of Slovenian web culture, and some of us are quite regular attendees and lecturers. This turned out to be a great idea, since we've managed to get fantastic feedback and had a great time at the new year's party that followed the presentation and launch.
The presentation
Twenity was introduced to the audience by Robert Ilovar from IlovarStritar and Grega Stritar from Neolab (who has nothing to do with Stritar from IlovarStritar). Most concepts behind Twenity were revealed and the presentation was well accepted. Grega (on the right) started off by presenting the calculation and the adventure components, Robert (on the left) followed by presenting the design elements and the marketing strategies.

The help
We knew we needed all the help we can get to get the initial players on Twenity. The geeks of #wwwh were more than helpful, as always, supporting the local initiative. Thank your for that! We came prepared too, everybody that tweeted their results or used the hashtag #twenity on that day, received a real-life metal Twenity badge. Twenity ambassador, level 5.

The results
The results were amazing. We've managed to attract more than 200 players on the same day! We went viral! As you can see on the following screenshot from sitweet.com, which analyzes the Slovenian twittersphere, Twenity was all over the place, becoming a local trending topic.

The players
After the initial push, things cooled off a bit, at least in the number of new players registering to Twenity. This was to be expected. Our optimistic goal was to have 500 players before the new year's, and we've reached that number on December 31st. Currently, there are more than 900 players competing, and we are very happy with these numbers, also because Twenity is slowly penetrating other countries as well (recorded by the unofficial blog). Time to shift into higher gear.

We are very grateful for all of this, because we know you've made this possible. Yes, you.